Phone number
Phone: +81-3-5577-6700 FAX: +81-3-5577-6710
Normal business hours: 9:00am to 7:00pm JST * We offer 24 hours/365 days support services around Tokyo. We can visit sites anywhere in Japan in 24 hours.
公司名称:eCorpOne有限公司 办公地址:日本东京都千代田区神田司町2-19号 神田司町大楼501号 最近的火车站(距离东京站仅一站) 小川町A6出口(都营新宿线)步行2分钟 淡路町A4出口(丸之内线)步行3分钟 新御茶水B6出口(千代田线)步行5分钟 神田A6出口(JR线)步行7分钟 成立日期:2006年4月27日 日本发票号码:T2010002049512 注册资本:1千万日元(约90,000美元) 经营许可、注册和许可 日本第二类电信业务法:A-23-12326 人力资源外包:”特13-309794″ 东京商工会议所会员 电话号码:+81-3-5577-6700
Profile on Linkedin is available here. (Visible only to Linkedin registered users only)
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如何到达我们的办公室 从淡路町站A4出口出来,请找到瑞穗银行的分行位置。请在十字路口右转,朝着大手町方向走(向南走)。走路的时候,请注意在左边会看到7-11便利店。从银行走2到3分钟后,你会看到一个叫做丸悦的超市在一个十字路口。请在十字路口右转,走大约30秒。你会看到一个叫做“上海台所”的餐厅。我们的办公室就在餐厅的五楼。
April 27, 2006 Establishment of eCorpOne Co., Ltd. eCorpOne Co., Ltd was established with partnership of ering Co., Ltd.
March 30, 2007 Change of executive directors In the first director’s general meeting, the director’s change was approved.
October 15, 2008 Notice of move Office has moved to Kanda, Chiyoda, Tokyo to meet expansion demand of our business.
December 30, 2010 Development of hotel check-in solutions eCorpOne released software and hardware systems to provide hotel check-in and check-out flows, including credit card and Japanese cash payment, barcode door unlocking hardware and its controlling software, and kiosk terminal software.
August 30, 2011 Development of automatic gate controlling software and its ticket processing software Using Japanese Felica based electric cash payment card SUICA, eCorpOne released software for kiosk terminal, entrance gate controlling, web based ticket purchase and ticketing software.
April 16, 2013 Establishment of eCorpOne Africa Ltd. eCorpOne Africa Ltd has been established in Rwanda. This organization is not a subsidiary of eCorpOne Co., Ltd.
February 11, 2014 Establishment of eCorpOne Communications Ltd. (Registered as eCorpCom Ltd.) It has been established in Kigali, Rwanda. The purpose is to provide Internet Service provider services. This organization is not a subsidiary of eCorpOne Co., Ltd.
March 1 , 2017 On grid solar energy plants development and management started We started solar energy plant development. As start, we developed two solar energy plants (total of about 60kw) in Toride City, Ibaragi, started its normal operation. In December 28 , 2018, construction of Inashiki solar energy plant completed. Basic construction of solar energy electricity generating plant with 75.1kw, which is combined with car port, roof, and yard mounting solar cradles, completed successfully. As of year 2022, total of nine solar energy plants have been developed. All of them are currently managed internally.
January 3 , 2020 Partnering with Untangle, Inc. eCorpOne has been approved as a reseller partner of Untangle, Inc. located in the United States of America. Untangle, Inc. provides firewall software designed to run on both virtualized and physical environment. Optimal drivers of Untangle firewall allows near physical performance. Various security features, such as intrusion prevention systems, spam blocker, virus blocker, web filter, in addition to various helpful components, such as content cache and AD blocker, at reasonable cost, should help improving SMB’s business environment.
May 4, 2020 Corporate web site renovation complete eCorpOne’s web service and email service have been moved to Google G Suite service. We focus on managing IT infrastructure services of corporate customers and also on managing our solar energy systems.